Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meeting is a SUCCESs!

Thank you Chip & Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick. Employing two main concepts from the book, SUCCESs and Comander's Intent, today's meeting is a success!

The acronym SUCCESs stands for:

Commander's Intent is derived from the quote, "No plan survives contact with the enemy." It can be described with the following traits.

  • Crisp, plain-talk statement that appears at the top of every order, specifying the plan's goal, the desired end-date of an operation. 
  • Never specifies so much detail that it risks being rendered obsolete by unpredictable events. 

Google Search Results: Google Profile

This may have been occurring for a while now, but I just noticed this today. Your Google Profile now appears within Google search results.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Living with Cancer: Vickie Ho

Most of you know my friend Vickie. If not, she is my friend from UCLA that is fun, dependable and a great person to hang out with. She is living with cancer. Please help her and the UCLA Fights Women's Cancer team acheive their fundraising goal of $30,000 in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women, Los Angeles 2011. There's no amount too big or small.

Click Here to give your encouragement and share your donation.

Good Picture? by alforque
Good Picture?, a photo by alforque on Flickr.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mobile Phone Headset

Why doesn't Plantronics make a wired headset for mobile phones (like the iPhone)?  They make headsets with 2.5mm jacks that work great for home phones and the office, but seem to lack in the 3.5mm market.  From what I've read, the adapters don't work too well.

All mobile phones seem to ship with headsets with a microphone attached to the cord.  These don't seem to pickup my voice that well, and I wind up having to hold the microphone close to me.  How is that "hands free?"  There is the Bluetooth option, but that has numerous issues: battery life and static the most common, and the booms are usually so small that they do not pickup my voice.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Contact Lens Trial

I've worn Bausch & Lomb Toric SofLens (alphafilcon A) lenses since forever.  The lenses are meant to be worn for 2 weeks, but I usually stretch them out to 4 weeks.  I find my eyes very dry after just a few hours of wearing even new lenses.  I know newer types of lenses have been released, but not until today did I do research on them.