Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Public Relations/Marketing Success and Failure

PR/marketing campaign from Kings Island and the March of Dimes: pregnant women participate in a Flash Mob to an altered rendition of Baby by Justin Bieber.  I see this as a success because it got me to watch.  I see this as a failure because there are no clear follow-up actions.  

VIDEO: Pregnant Women Flash Mob at Kings Island on April 30 to benefit March of Dimes:

Google Buzz FTW

Smart asses!  :-D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Google Maps: No Starbucks Here

Very odd thing happened when I searched my for "starbucks:" no Starbucks locations appeared.  This is only happening to my maps; did I do something to omit Starbucks from Google Maps?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Google Latitude: Check In

"Check in, gain status, and unlock offers." --Google Latitude - Check In.

Google Latitude takes on FourSquare, Yelp and similar check-in services.

Below are some points I see as advantages using Latitude on my Android mobile phone