- Assess influence
- 1%, 5%, 10%... - complete UT Project Charter - set expectations - learning experience - hypothesize personas - traits - behaviors - goals - Recruit - build rapport - determine likeness to personas - Interview - continue rapport - discover - Analysis - Brainwriting (written, silent) not brainstorming (vocal) - grouping - QUICKLY CURB TALK AND IDEAS ABOUT SOLUTIONS - Presentation - tell a story - back the story up with data
- Google's Usability Lab
- Usability Testing. Oh, The Things You Can Learn. By Jared Spool
- Usability Guidelines
- UIE Variants
- UIE Dissect Failures
- Farnam Street Blog: Mental Models
- Dana Chisnell interview by Tomer Sharon
- Richard Feynman interview
- Mike Elgan: Group Think Kills Creativity
- various other sources